The Wild Order was born from a passion to inspire people to engage in the great outdoors. We’re passionate about our wild areas and the benefits they bring to us all. 

We believe that through rediscovering a connection with nature, our food and the process as a whole, we begin to gain something deeply rewarding that over the years has become lost or foreign to many of us.  

We aim to address this in an immersive and radical way. From total novices to advanced hunters, from all walks of life, there will be much to learn for us all.  

What we do

The Wild Order is dedicated to deer management, ethical and sustainable wild meat and sharing hunter based skills and experiences. Our purpose is to take our students on an invigorating journey of development and discovery. We design experiences, tracking courses, hunter specific training and more, for armchair hunters and seasoned stalkers alike.

Today our disconnect from the natural world is a real concern. Dyed salmon, chlorine washed chicken and sterilised fields have become the norm. And many of us these days simply don’t know wilderness and certainly aren’t connected to our food.

At The Wild Order we want to change this. We want to take those who are looking for a deeper understanding and a real connection, and give them, not only a real and exhilarating experience, but arm them with the tools necessary to enrich the way they live.